The first draft of the document dealing with tourism was drawn up by Cesare Micheletti in partnership with EURAC (the European Academy of Bolzano) and the five provincial authorities making up the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
“The plan for sustainable tourism” stresses the Chairman of the Foundation Richard Theiner “is a key step on the way to preparing the Overall Management Strategy for the Dolomites and, in 2016, it will have to be assessed by UNESCO whose representatives will also be carrying out an onsite inspection. The Foundation’s Board of Directors has approved the draft plan submitted to them and the final text will be ready by the end of the year”.
In addition to tourism, the subject of sustainable mobility was discussed at the last Foundation board meeting, starting with the plan for a digital platform on public transport which should be online by next summer and for which an official post has been created for its management. It is basically a web portal designed to function as a search engine, granting access to all the timetables and other public transport information in the five provinces that make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Still on the subject of mobility, the Board of Directors approved the study carried out by EURAC on traffic in the Dolomite passes.
Also published online is the summary report on the series of #DOLOMITES2040 meetings, held earlier this year, each one a valuable think-tank generating plenty of ideas and proposals for the future of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage.
The Foundation’s management team approved the plan of action and the economic plan for 2016, and they gave the final OK to the amendment to the charter abolishing the Steering Committee and assigning all the administrative and management responsibilities to a single Board of Directors representing both the five provinces (Bolzano, Trento, Belluno, Udine, Pordenone) and the regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Source: the Autonomous Province of Bolzano