DOLOM.IT: a virtual landscape museum

Dolom.It: a virtual landscape museum

DOLOM.IT Museum is a virtual landscape museum created in 2016 by 200 students and 10 cultural institutions from Belluno. The project involves working together to create and present the UNESCO Dolomites in digital form and is part of the European consultation on intangible heritage launched by the Digital Cultural Heritage School.

The museum has a variety of virtual spaces which are growing all the time: the website with the students’ projects, the izi.TRAVEL platform with fun multimedia treasure hunts, the YouTube channel with anthropological interviews and the social networks which invite users to actively reflect on the Dolomites landscape (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

It is a good example of a real co-creation platform where the web becomes a “place” where we can protect the Dolomites landscape, share knowledge and create new communities.

Looking to Europe: in collaboration with “Scuole in Rete per un Mondo di Solidarietà e Pace”, DOLOM.IT invites the five provinces of the UNESCO Dolomites to take part in the European consultation on intangible heritage in the digital era, sponsored by the national network DiCultHer.

Visit DOLOM.IT and learn more about the project!