Do you love the UNESCO Dolomites and their refuges?
Discover which of the 66 refuges in the core zone of the UNESCO Dolomites Property have displayed the plaque ‘Dolomites UNESCO Refuge’ and take a SELFIE to show you have been there (you have got to be able to see the plaque and your smile!) 😉
The first fifteen to send their photo will receive the TABACCO map of the UNESCO Dolomites and a dedicated post on the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation’s social networks!
Here’s what you have to do:
1. tag your photo on Facebook or Twitter (or email it to with the hashtag #LoveDolomitesUNESCO
2. enjoy the landscape and your well-earned rest in the Dolomites
3. when you get back home, you could be one of the fifteen lucky winners to receive the new TABACCO map (we will contact you privately for the address to send it to)!
Which refuges have signed up to the “Dolomites UNESCO Refuges” project?
To date, 31 refuges located within the territory recognised as a World Heritage Site in 2009 have signed up.
Summer 2016 marked the beginning of the ‘Dolomites UNESCO Refuges’ project for all refuge owners and mountain climbing associations, aimed at heightening awareness among climbers, hikers and lovers of the mountains that they are in the ‘core’ zone of the UNESCO Dolomites, helping them to appreciate the unique geological and landscape characteristics which have made the 9 systems in the Dolomites a Property that is recognised by the whole of mankind.

The new TABACCO map
The new TABACCO map has been dedicated entirely to the UNESCO Dolomites. It is a 1:150,000 tourist map which covers the whole territory of the nine Dolomites systems named World Heritage Site in 2009. On the back of the map there is information in three languages (Italian, German and English) about the history, geology, parks and the inscription process which led to the Dolomites becoming a UNESCO-protected heritage site.