The UNESCO Dolomites in the spotlight on the new web platform showcasing Italian excellences. The new-look website is launched to mark the 7th Conference of Italian Sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The 7th Conference of Italian Sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List took place in Rome from 8 to 10 November. This meeting, which is held on a regular basis, was requested by the Italian Heritage, Cultural and Tourism Ministry to give those in charge of conserving and managing the 51 UNESCO sites in Italy an opportunity to meet and exchange opinions and experiences.
The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation was invited to attend in its capacity as the managing body of the UNESCO Dolomites Site. The Foundation was set up on 13 May 2010 to ensure the effective, coordinated management of the Dolomites property, in response to the specific commitment made to UNESCO. It is therefore the single point of contact with the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the World Heritage Site Committee.
The platform
The website’s new home page is dedicated to the Dolomites and our heritage is represented by a moving image taken from the trails posted on Google Street View. The decision to use this particular image underlines the important partnership between the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation and Google, a partnership which culminated in the mapping of more than 50 paths which can be virtually “walked” on Google Street View.
Visitors to the website can find a detailed description of the UNESCO Dolomites Site, its universal values and the features of its landscape, as well as information about all the natural and cultural UNESCO designated sites in our country.