The Presidency of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation goes to Friuli Venezia Giulia

Mariagrazia Santoro is the new President of the Foundation

After the three-year term held by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, on 13 May it was all change for the Board of Directors of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, in accordance with the criterion established by the Charter whereby each province in the Dolomites area serves a term on a three-year rotation basis. Richard Theiner, Councillor for the Environment, Energy and Town Planning of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano handed over the reins to Mariagrazia Santoro, Councillor for Infrastructures and the Territory of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Vice President is Mauro Gilmozzi, Councillor for Infrastructures and the Environment of the Autonomous Province of Trento. The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation would like to thank Richard Theiner for all his work over the past three years and wishes all the best to the new President Mariagrazia Santoro and Vice President Mauro Gilmozzi.

In a ceremony in Dobbiaco on 8 June 2013, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano received the “baton” figuratively speaking from Emanuela Milan, the then sub commissioner of the province of Belluno, taking on Presidency of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation. After three years in office, the mandate of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano has come to an end; during its term it achieved a great number of objectives regarding management, with the drawing up of the Tourism Strategy and the Overall Management Strategy, and communication and enhancement projects. Following a start-up phase, the Foundation’s work began in earnest, meeting the medium-term targets set for the first three years based on UNESCO recommendations thanks to coordination with the founder administrative authorities and the work of the Operating Networks.