Article 1 – Name and registered office
The “Dolomiti – Dolomiten – Dolomites – Dolomitis UNESCO” Foundation (hereinafter also “the Foundation”) was established by the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, the Provinces of Belluno, Pordenone and Udine, the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the Region of Veneto.
The Foundation has its legal, fiscal and administrative centre in the Province of Belluno, at the specified head office or elsewhere in the administrative area. The Authorities indicated in the first point, represented by the Board of Directors, identify an operational headquarters with a representative organisational structure for the purposes of collaborative reporting to the Foundation and the activities of the Operating Networks established by the Foundation with the Founding Authorities.
Article 2 – Purpose
The purpose of the Foundation is the conservation, promotion and enhancement of the Dolomites UNESCO Property, within the framework of the principles and directives of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Foundation guarantees, both directly and through its Founding Members, achievement of the goals set out by the Overall Management Strategy.
Specifically, to achieve this purpose, the Foundation:
- promotes cooperation between the Founding Members, to ensure harmonisation of policies for conservation, promotion and enhancement of the Dolomites UNESCO Property adopted by each Authority, within the framework of guidelines established by the Overall Management Strategy;
- promote, on the basis of the Overall Management Strategy, adoption of new measures and tools for protection of the Dolomites UNESCO Property, and implement shared actions through the development and coordination of Operating Networks established by the Foundation with the Founding Authorities identified in Article 1;
- manage communications between Founding Members for implementation of the Overall Management Strategy;
- promote and manage the exchange of information and documents between the Founding Members;
- in the context of the management activities of Operating Networks, it may establish specific thematic meetings with local authorities, park authorities and other authorities and public and private institutions, as well as experts when handling certain issues;
- collaborate with all international, European, national, regional and local institutions;
- prepare Periodic Reports on the progress in implementation of the Overall Management Strategy, which are sent to the International UNESCO Committee and may be consulted by public authorities and private institutions operating in the sector that request them;
- share information and raise awareness about the UNESCO World Heritage Site;
- promote a culture of protection of local areas, environment and landscape, also through the Operating Networks;
- work directly, or in collaboration with other parties, to organise exhibitions, conferences and other events connected to the aims of the Dolomites UNESCO Property and to the culture and identity of the local areas included in the Dolomites UNESCO Property;
- issue opinion on planning and programmes for local areas, in relation to the Dolomites UNESCO Property, in accordance with applicable regional and provincial legislation.
The Foundation is a non-profit organisation.
Article 3 – Assets and management fund
The initial assets of the Foundation consist of moveable and immoveable property and the financial resources provided by the founding members when the Foundation was set up, constituting the initial endowment fund.
This fund may be subsequently increased by further contributions from the Foundation’s Founding Members and Supporters and any other contributions, donations, bequests and legacies.
Use of funds is limited to achieving the Foundation’s aims and its various bodies are required to maintain the fund’s integrity.
The management fund consists of the annual payments made by the Founding Members, amounting to one quarter from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, one quarter from the Autonomous Province of Trento, one quarter divided between the Province of Belluno and the Region of Veneto and one quarter divided between the Provinces of Pordenone and Udine and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in addition to contributions made by the Foundation’s supporters and by other private and public-sector entities for achievement of the Foundation’s aims.
The financial year starts on the 1st of January of each year and ends on the 31st of December.
Article 4 – Supporters
The Board of Directors may assign the status of Supporter to natural or legal persons, of a public or private nature, and in particular to municipalities, park authorities, universities and research institutes in the area of the Dolomites UNESCO Property that, sharing the Foundation’s aims, contribute to the Foundation’s management fund for one or more years, with monetary contributions or contributions in kind. The Board of Directors sets the minimum contribution and the ways in which this is to be made, assessing the value of the services and activities provided, including professional services.
Article 5 – Organisation
The Foundation is organised as follows:
- The Board of Directors
- The President
- The Board of Auditors
- The Board of Supporters
- The Scientific Committee.
Article 6 – The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of the legal representative of each Founding Member or a figure appointed by them, also on the basis of their institutional role, to represent the mountain areas included in the Dolomites Property. The Board of Directors appoints a President from these members, as set out in Article 8.
Board members remain in office for the period of their appointment in that role, or for the duration of their mandate for the relevant authority.
The Board of Directors has all powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the Foundation.
In pursuit of the Foundation’s aims, the Board of Directors does the following:
- adopts the Overall Management Strategy for achievement of the aims set out in Article 2, ensuring harmonisation of actions with local and environmental policies in the Dolomites UNESCO Property relevant for each local area, and defines the annual action plan;
- sets the annual sum for the management fund;
- approves the annual budget, any amendments and final reporting;
- appoints and withdraws the Director;
- adopts regulations on organisation and operation of services, along with all other regulatory measures required for the proper functioning of the Foundation, and any changes to these;
- reaches decisions on any other matters of interest to the Foundation;
- makes decisions about any other matters not specifically assigned to other bodies, and if deemed necessary, tasks the President with management of proceedings relating to management;
- in the event of an urgent, ordinary matter that cannot wait until the next meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board may reach a decision, also via videoconferencing, with voting carried out remotely using the certified email (PEC) service;
- propose changes to the Charter.
The Board of Directors may also set up a forum that meets regularly in order to ensure the involvement and participation of the various local and park authorities and those tasked with management of protected areas.
Article 7 – Convening meetings and quorum
Meetings of the Board of Directors are called periodically by the President or at the request of at least two members of the Board itself. All members of the Board of Directors are informed that a meeting has been called at least ten days prior to the date set for the meeting. In particularly urgent situations, notice of a meeting may be given only forty-eight hours in advance. Notice of a meeting may be given electronically or by any other means appropriate to demonstrate that a meeting has been called.
The notice of a meeting must contain the place, time and agenda for the meeting. The Board of Directors passes resolutions with a minimum participation of four members and a vote in favour of at least three of these members.
Resolutions are reported in the minutes of the meeting to be signed by the President and the Secretary and file with the record-keeping methods set out for public limited companies.
In order to reach and express decision of the Board of Directors, votes of members have the value indicated below, expressed in twenty-fourths.
a) Autonomous Province of Bolzano: 6 (six)
b) Autonomous Province of Trento: 6 (six)
c) Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia: 2 (two)
Province of Pordenone: 2 (two)
Province of Udine: 2 (two)
d) Region of Veneto: 3 (three)
Province of Belluno: 3 (three).
In the event of a split vote, the President has the casting vote.
Article 8 – President
The President of the Board of Directors is appointed in rotation from its members, observing the following alphabetic list of the mountain areas included in the Dolomites UNESCO Property:
- Belluno
- Bolzano
- Pordenone
- Trento
- Udine
and remains in office for three years.
The President of the Board of Directors:
a) is the official representative of the Foundation, convening and presiding over meetings of the Board of Directors;
b) signs all official documents for the Foundation in the capacity of Legal Representative;
c) oversees proper implementation of decisions reached by the Board of Directors.
The Vice President is appointed on a rotating basis and remains in office for three years. The member of the Board of Directors representing the area following on alphabetically from that of the President is appointed to this role. If the President is absent or unable to fulfil the role, the duties will be performed by the Vice President. Following consultation with the Board of Directors, the President may assign specific tasks to the Vice President.
Article 9 – Board of Auditors
The Founding Members appoint a Board of Auditors, consisting of a minimum of one and a maximum of three accounting auditors, in addition to their substitutes. The auditor(s) remain in office for a period of three years and they may be reappointed once only.
The auditor(s) must be listed in the professional register of auditors or accountants. They may not be dismissed from office unless they fail to fulfil their duties.
The auditor(s) oversee the activities of the Foundation’s management, according to the provisions of articles 2403, 2403-bis, 2404, 2407 and 2409-bis of the Italian Civil Code. The auditor(s) must participate in meetings of the Board of Directors which they are called upon to attend.
They draw up the budget and the balance sheet and annual report, and are required to express opinions on any variations in the budget/balance sheet. They also act as financial advisors to the Board of Directors.
Article 10 – Board of Supporters
The Board of Supporters consists of the Founding Members and all Supporters of the Foundation, whether natural persons or representatives appointed by supporters that are legal persons.
The Board of Supporters has the following duties:
- providing opinions and proposals on the Foundation’s activities and programmes;
- proposing the sum of money to be paid into the management fund for Supporter status.
Meetings of the Board of Supporters are presided over by the Foundation’s President, and held at least once a year, enabling suggestions of new areas of research or comparative studies on scientific themes or any topics associated with the Dolomites UNESCO Property and its management.
Article 11 – Scientific Committee
The Board of Directors appoints a Scientific Committee, with a maximum of five members, tasked with providing technical and scientific consultation and expressing requested opinions on issues and problems handled by the Foundation.
The Scientific Committee may also express opinions on monitoring of management and research, with the power to suggest improvements.
The Scientific Committee remains in office for three years.
Article 12 – Director
The Director is appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Director remains in office for three years. The appointment may be renewed and may be withdrawn by the Board of Directors, on request of the President or the majority of Members.
The Director is tasked with implementation and achievement of management decisions and goals established by the Board of Directors and its President.
The Director, within the limits of regulatory provisions, negotiates and signs contracts and management documents regarding the Foundation’s activities, while the President retains powers as legal representative of the Foundation. The Director participates, without voting rights, in sessions of the different committees of the Foundation.
Article 13 – Members’ assistance
In order to minimise costs, Members undertake to provide the Foundation with premises and spaces suitable for its activities, either free of charge or at a reduced cost.
Article 14 – Duration, winding up and the transfer of assets
The Foundation will be wound up if the Dolomites Property ceases to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
In this situation, the assets and property it owns must be returned to the Founding Members or Supporters who provided them, after deduction of any outstanding debts.
Article 15 – Reference provisions
For all aspects not covered by this Charter, reference should be made to applicable laws.
Article 16 – Gender
All references to persons made in this charter apply to persons of either masculine or feminine gender.
Article 17 – Final provisions
The Region of Veneto and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia undertake to guarantee adequate representation within the Board of Directors of the mountain areas included in the Property and which originally established the Foundation in the event of changes or redefinition of the Provinces, or their removal, due to institutional reforms.
In the circumstances indicated in the first point, the President and the Vice President of the Board of Directors shall be appointed on the basis of the criteria for rotation of the role by area, as indicated in Article 8.
In implementation of the provisions set out in this Article, suitable forms of consultation and participation of local areas within the Dolomites UNESCO Property shall be guaranteed.
Dolomiti – Dolomiten – Dolomites – Dolomitis UNESCO Charter of the Foundation (ITA)