#MOUNTAINHUTLIFE for a more informed visit to the mountains

#mountainhutlife is an awareness campaign, conceived by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation and the World Heritage mountain hut managers, that illustrates what it’s like to live in a mountain hut through short videos posted on social media and shared by mountain hut managers, as well as alpine professionals and fans. Small glimpses of everyday life that relate the work of the mountain manager – from supplying water and provisions, to maintaining the paths, to welcoming increasingly demanding guests. The purpose of #mountainhutlife is to provide unfiltered information to help hikers understand the delicate environmental context in which mountain hut managers live and work and to encourage them to behave conscientiously.


“Each mountain hut is unique and also has its own idiosyncrasies in terms of the services it is willing and able to offer. This offer also affects the behaviour of hikers. “Giving a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the path that food takes on its way to the table or the route that water travels over before it gushes from the showerhead are just a few tangible examples that can encourage hikers to adopt a more responsible approach to the mountains. #mountainhutlife is therefore a slow, step-by-step approach to the Dolomites, guided by the testimony of mountain hut managers, the true sentinels of the Dolomites”, said Mara Nemela, director of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation.

The videos are produced in part by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation (by journalist Giambattista, author and creator of the Noi Dolomiti UNESCO project) and in part by the mountain hut managers themselves. They illustrate, in just a few seconds, individual aspects of a day in a mountain hut. #mountainhutlife is a way of telling visitors about the World Heritage site from the point of view of the people who live there every day and are better equipped than anyone else to point out how to preserve it and allow it to be used sustainably, respecting those values that led to it being listed as a World Heritage Site.

All the videos produced are available on the Foundation’s social media channels @DolomitesUNESCO (FACEBOOK – TWITTER – INSTAGRAM) and collected in a playlist on YOUTUBE:



Since 2023, this activity has been part of the project “Capacity building. Strengthening the social and regional capital of the Dolomites World Heritage Site (WHS) for lasting and sustainable development of local communities”, established with the support of Fondo Comuni Confinanti.

Until 2022, this activity has been part of the project “Promotion of the region through integrated management and communication actions of the UNESCO Dolomites WHS”, established with the support of Fondo Comuni Confinanti.