The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation held numerous events at EXPO2015 to promote to the whole world the beauty of the mountain landscape and the geological treasure trove within the Dolomites, listed as a World Heritage Site in 2009. On 11 June the Foundation took part in a conference marking the end of “Mountain Week,” organised by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and for the Protection of the Land and Sea, as part of the Alpine Convention.
During the six months in which EXPO was on, the Foundation offered visitors the chance to take a virtual walk along the Dolomite trails. From July to October the routes mapped out on Google Street View using the Google Trekker Loan Program were available for consultation on a console, Dolomiti Google Special Collects, on the stands of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and the Veneto Region.
22 August marked the UNESCO Dolomites Day, organised at the Intesa Sanpaolo pavilion. The schedule for that day included a showing of the six episodes of the documentary “Dolomiti. Montagne, Uomini, Storie” [The Dolomites. Mountains, people and their stories] and, in the evening, there was a musical event preceded by a brief presentation of the Foundation to the public visiting EXPO 2015.
Away from EXPO, too, the Foundation was on show at Villa Burba in Rho, with the sponsored exhibition “Pastori dell’alpe. 100 storie, 100 volti per nutrire il Pianeta” [Shepherds of the alp. 100 stories, 100 ways of feeding the planet], and with the exhibition “Beyond Food Sustainability” put on by the Venice Regional UNESCO Office, together with the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park.